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Showing posts from December, 2011

Of Holidays and Winter..

Dear Santa, Let me get to the point straight away. I get it. Its that time of the year again. People will try some serious ass-kissing. There will be blackmailing. Then there's the bribery? Of course, who can forget the promises? I know. We call it the appraisal cycle in offices here on Earth. I don't need to tell you, but don't be overwhelmed by all this. When you have well-wishers like me, you need not worry. So, I was sitting in the Organization Behavior class last week, listening to an intellectually stimulating, extremely well spoken and an infinitesimally boring monologue on Change Management, when it occured to me that you, Santa, need an MBA professional to look after your services! I did some serious thinking on your behalf, and here's what I have come up with. Please allow me to explain: MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Where do I even begin on this one? With the kind of work you do, you need some real hotshot MBA grads who can make a brand out of your life, pas...