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Showing posts from August, 2016

Stop Doing Whatever You Are Doing

And listen to this: (Updated the link. Sorry for the confusion earlier!) It's so easy to get drowned in everyday life and its mundane mediocrity, that we forget to have fun. This song by Maati Baani is so absolutely full of life, makes you want to just stop doing everything and dance. Coming from someone like me, with two left feet, this is big. Also, the original plan was to write a post after I announce my discovery of this song. But I am again distracted by the song. So, back to listening to that on loop.  Will write a post later. Is the song having a similar effect on you or is it just me? Should I be worried? Cheers! Preeks


There was a very small segment of population before the 2000s who would go out of their comfort zones, their houses, to explore careers outside their cities. In all likelihood, they also fought with their families to get permission to make this move.  To go to the scary North, from a secure, comfortable South Indian city was a big deal.  Some rare few did it. And those who did, their lives were special. A small family of 4 South Indians, sticking it out for themselves in the North. They taught their kids Hindi, because they don't want them to stand out. But they also taught them their native tongue at home. When these kids grow up, people comment saying, "Arrey, your Hindi is not 'south india' like". They know nothing about how hard their parents worked to ensure it's not. Every year, they spent their whole LTC money, taking a long train journey back to the roots. Through the Chambal Valley, with the Cool Keg and long tunnels and the cutlet for b...