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Dilli Ki Sardi!

Remember the early days of summer when I had written a whole post on why I love summers? We felt a sudden nip in the air yesterday and in a display of uncharacteristic maturity and balance, I decided to share with you why I am looking forward to winter too. The reason being, every season brings with it some schmaltz and it is only fair, that we enjoy all of them! 
So, here's to some nice, chilling winters? Where we can look forward to:

  • Winter-wear, here we come! Yoohoo! I just love winter-wear. Long-coats, sweaters, mufflers, sweatshirts. All of it. When we were in school, the excitement was a different level altogether. The morning assembly would distinctly smell of the crispy, white new shirts and grey woolen wear. There was also the comforting odour of naphthalene from the blue blazers and sweaters. Sigh. I miss school.
  • Cuddling in the Razai in the sun, on weekend afternoons to read books or watch Greys? Priceless. Add to that a hot water bottle, lodged between the two feet!
  • Heaters or bonfires! Both would do. We use heaters, but there is an immense jealousy that overcomes me, when I see my maid and her family sitting around crackling bonfires downstairs. I find reasons to go down, sometimes just to check if the car is locked, so I can walk by and smell that homely smell of burning wood.
  • Gajak! I just love this sweet. For those who don't know what that is, it is a sweet made of sesame seed and jaggery, and it basically tastes like heaven. This year, I have made adequate arrangements. A certain colleague from Meerut will be returning from a weekend visit to his homeplace, with a 10 kg pack of the extremely famous Meerut ka Gajak. Poor him = Happy me!
  • Christmas and New Year. Always a good time of the year! The joy is almost infectious. The office will witness the lowest attendance of the year, and I will definitely not be the one going against the crowd, for sure!
  • Parking yourself firmly in front of the TV on 31st December, cuddled in a razai, and watching baloney on TV.  Yeah, I am quite anti-social that way!
  • Fog. Call me a masochist or whatever. But isn't fog beautiful? In school, the early morning wait for the bus would be worth it, only if we could get to watch the bus appear out of nowhere. It still is a matter of great anticipation for me. Provided our busdriver-cum-pilot drives carefully.
  • Peanuts or Moophali. Much fun. Meh.
  • Cauliflower! Sigh. I'll miss you, oh dear ladyfinger, but please make way for the God of all vegetables.
  • Sitting on the grass in the sun! I will not get to do that this year, because of a certain obligation called work. But I have to say, this was the most fun activity in college! The hours we spent on the grass, nibbling, bitching, eating the muffins from Nescafe, drinking hot chocolate, copying notes. Okay, I miss college too.
  • Birthdays! Mum's and mine too. I accept gifts in cash and kind. Just saying.
Now, I am positively excited! For those of you who live in places which don't have winters, I feel bad for you. Nah. I don't. Aaahahahaa. :D

Have a great week/month/season ahead!
On that note, may I also add, that I am taking a short break from the Blog, to attend to certain matters that require me not to be distracted, or addicted to anything but that matter. So. Will be back in a month or so? 
Besides, I have run out of Blog matter anyway. There is a chance that irony plays a huge role, and I end up getting ideas for posts exactly during this one month that I plan to stay away, in which case I will re-surface and blog. Please ignore me if that happens.

Till then, be good. Don't blog too often. Have a super Diwali!
Be RIGHT back.

Signing out,


  1. Sigh! You're making me miss Delhi even more :( Woodsmoke in the air and steaming hot momos. I can't get that thought out of my head.

  2. @The Soul of Alec Smart: I LOVE your pen name! :a
    Welcome here! And yes. The intention was this. :d
    I missed out Momos! Chah. *Facepalm*

  3. I love winter too. It reminds me of the days when we would huddle together - me, my sister and mom - nestled in the warmth of Razai and eating, watching TV, reading or just normal conversation while outside it would be cold and grey and drizzling. What a bliss those days were! I am getting nostalgic now :b And I love the sound of Gajak. It seems like it'd disappear the moment you put it in mouth :c Is it so? :c And since you're going on a blogging break so happy b'day in advance! :c Come back soon with a party for us :c And excuse the long comment. Your post elicits a long one :)

  4. @Ajay: Thanks for the comment, long or not. I was feeling bored in office, waiting to go home and then I see your comment. Savior. Danke! :a

    Exactly! Winters are all about being cosy! :a
    And yeah, Gajak does melt in the mouth, but only if it's of superior quality! Do have some if you are ever here in the North!
    Thanks for the wishes. The Birthday is after the break.. Will let you know! :c

  5. Ah Dilli or not, I miss Sardi! My sole qualm with Hyderabad :(
    I loooovvve winters too! I did a post long long ago about why :)
    Shameless selling, or not so much! :)

    Anyway, I love Gajak too! You do know I am from Meerut right? ;) So!

    And I have a winter Birthday too! :D Are you a Saggitarian by any chance? :D

  6. Oh , I just read my post again, and I am all like man, there are SO many things we love in common about winters! :D
    Or, for that matter , I guess everyone does! :)

  7. @DI: I just read your post. I am spooked out at the similarities. Sheeeeesh! :a
    Loved your post!
    Yeah, I did remember you are from Meerut! Should have done a special mention!
    Oh and I am a Capricorn..

  8. I don't like winters for I hate wearing so many layers of clothing. Otherwise, winter's fun :D

  9. Awwwwwww! As they say, nostalgia is priceless...

    Dilli ki sardi!!! What about 'Dilli ka laddu'.. ???

    Put on your headphones... your blog must be singing... ek mahine ka hai o rabba... badi lambi judai... ;) ;)

    P.S. Hopefully you aren't getting your masters degree...

  10. I love winters too. Hyd never gets all that chilly but I guess I m fine with the winters we have :P.

  11. What a cheerful post! Me happy shappy just by reading it :-)

  12. //Cuddling in the Razai in the sun// nahiiiii I can't even think abt it in chennai... and "I am missing to fog tooo... mummy I wanna go home... just to feel winter again...
    lovely post :) enjoy.

  13. @T: Of course. For you the layers must be exponential power of the layers we wear! :e

  14. @Roshmi: Hehee. Very close to guessing what I am upto this month! :i
    And yeah, the blog must be singing! :a

  15. @Harini: Hmm. Hyderabad has winters? You should totally come to the North, sometime December end or January 1st week! You'll LOVE it! :a

  16. @Rajlakshmi: Oh you must have seen some pretty cool winters in Assam, no? Lots of fog and all?
    Chennai is not even close to cold in winters! Was there once in winter!

  17. winter? What is that?? we have just two seasons here - hot & humid , and even more humid :( :(

    Your description of winter just makes me J!

    Enjai, and have a super Diwali :D

  18. @Piyu: Awwww. You should come to Delhi for a short vacation in December! Trust me, you'll LOVE the weather! :a

  19. My experience with winter is as far as Hyd, and a a couple of days in Delhi in Jan.. but this time round, I'm gonna enjoy winter, but like T said all that clothing!! But I love the feeling of feeling warm in those many clothes, nice and snuggly :)

    But what... I come here to read all those posts of urs and you are off for a month... come on
    Happy Diwali... have fun

  20. Are you moving to whereever the next CWG games will be held? I am sure you can do that....:)

    Come back soon.

    And thanks for the silver lining..still no winters for me please...:)

  21. @Pinash: Enjoy your winter this time! :a
    Happy Diwali to you too!
    Worry not, hum yun gaye, yun aaye! :a

  22. @dil..: I wish. Sigh. Not doing anything even close to that exciting! :f
    I can understand. Seattle winter must be particularly bad! :a
    Back soon.. :a

  23. Please promote my post: "GPRS ko Tata. 3G? Buy. Buy." @ IndiBlogger.


    It is for the "3G Life Blogger Contest".

    P.S. In case you are not an IndiBlogger member... it will take only a minute to register and promote.


  24. I am badly missing Faridabad .. and after reading this post Winters too ..
    As soon as i saw gajjak in the post i was searching for Groudnuts too .. Oh and i miss Celebrating lohri ...
    getting up at 6 those days and going to school at 7 with fog covering us was a different experience altogether ..
    Damn !!why am i here in chennai ??? :(

  25. @Arvind: Faridabad boy in Chennai during winter! That can be a harsh change! Go home for a vacation, dude! :a

  26. You don't like oranges? I used to gorge on oranges during winters. And sarso da saag ^_^

  27. @rechristened: Sarso da saag, absolutely yes. But oranges. Ummm. No. Not a huge fan!
    Long time! How have you been?

  28. Been good. "Stuff" happening in life (good stuff); so, been busy with the stuff hehe. I do visit every now and then though :)

    How are things with you?

  29. @Rechristened: Good stuff! Nice! :a
    Happy for you! :a
    I'm ohk too! In confusion, trying to figure out things. Hopefully the next couple of months will be eventful on that front.*Fingers crossed frantically* :a

  30. razai, moongfali, sitting in the sun, gajar ka halwa...aaahh how much I love these..

    Have a wonderful Birthday and enjoy your break :a

  31. @Comfy: :a
    Thanks! The Birthday's after the break! Will let you know, don't worry! :a :c

  32. "Hehee. Very close to guessing what I am upto this month!"

    ... Don't tell me you are in the process of getting your masters degree ;)

  33. well as so many ppl mentioned hw badly dey miss dilli ki sardi ..i shud crib abt it too now .....after livin in a hill station for two years n spending almost all my life in cities where it is terribly cold in the winters (n i luv it) m hatin it nw...lagos has no winters at all doesnt even feel like november here...miss da fog/smog of delhi dat gave da city its charm....miss awesome winter food like u said ..gajak, revdi, sarson da saag and cauliflower......u knw for guys away frm home u hav just struck the rght note... I MISS DELHI so much rght nw ...nyways best of luck for ur hiatus (november hiatus is a common phenomena :P)

  34. I landed here while searching for Meerut Gajak.
    I like the writing style . Although I am not dilettante of english language but I am no less expert in the activity called "time wasting".

    Any way how was the gajak and what brand was it .

  35. @Roshmi: Koshish jaari hai! :a

  36. @Abhishek: You should come home for a vacation! The weather is delicious!

  37. @DoNotCrossIt: Thanks! Welcome here! :a


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