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Jeepers Creepers!

I should warn you, I have *nothing* to write about. So if you have important work to do, you are excused. Just FYI, it's a Friday, and while at that, a Friday before the World Cup Finals. I don't think you would have important work to do. But whatever, you are excused.

So like I was saying, I have nothing to share, except a killing urge to write something.

For starters, I think India will win the World Cup. Intuition. The last intuition said Ireland, but we'll give that a pass. I love this festive atmosphere surrounding the world cup. The "almost" half day at work, the huge screens in the office, the unlimited snacks, the Bleed Blue pic badges. I know it's bordering insanity, but what the hell, GO INDIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :D

I tried getting myself an India T-Shirt. All out of stock. Unbelievable. I'll make do with an ICC WOrld Cup one or a plain blue one, but hello? The intensity of cheering would be lower. Sorry.

My latest obsession is Advertisements. The World Cup Ads have been more disappointing than what I ever imagined they would be. What were they thinking when they shot the Brrrrrrr Ad for Coke? Gabbar bahut khush hoga? The Pepsi Ads on the silly dances and shortcuts for the game? Why would you do that to your brand? And don't even get me started on Idea's Keep Cricket Clean campaign. Idea is like a student preparing for GRE. Learnt a new alphabet's word list today - exhaust it in every conversation till someone slaps you on hearing another word starting with "A". Some genius at Idea came up with the "No Idea? Get Idea" tagline, and wham! They stopped thinking beyond that. I hate to break this to them, but that tagline, sort of sucked. Sorry.

Okay. Deep breath. Breathe in, breathe out. Phew. I am fine. Tend to get overexcited with this subject. We'll just change the topic.

I know I am *very* late saying this, but isn't Modern Family plain awesome? Don't gape. I missed TV for a whole 5 months. Catching up is going on. On the same note, Grey's has also got me hooked. Once again. Thank god!

I have said this before, and I am saying it again. What's with office mail chains? Really? Is it that hard to go to someone's seat and sort out matters? Seriously? One such silly mail just popped in my inbox. Can't. Wait. To. Go. Back. To. College. Phew.

Oh in other news, I met an awesome Auto-rickshaw Driver yesterday. He was the sweetest of the lot because he was driving on a Strike Day. How nice is that? He told  me all about how he was working hard to finance his brother's MBA. I was  teary-eyed, and so was he. While leaving, he thrust an absolutely un-usable, torn 50 Rupee note in my hands for change. I was busy wiping my tears and of course realised the master cheat's work today morning. Sweet!

That's it, I guess. I'll stop here!

While typing out this absolutely random post, I looked around in my Reader and realised people actually have serious things to write about!! I feel all silly now. :|
But I'll go ahead and post this anyway. That's the new, enthusiastic Blogger in me speaking. Brace yourself. 

I got myself a new name too! :D

Signing out,

PS: In retrospect, this is a random post. Sigh.  Next post will be better. Though, I will remain adamant and not remove this post! *Imagine me hanging on to a branch on a cliff*


  1. Good to see you bubbling with energy and enthusiasm ;;)
    The match was awesome and final is going to be a blast for sure :D
    My god, the driver took advantage of your sweet emotional self :-o
    Have fun and enjoy the cricket mania :D :D

  2. dint understand anythin apart from wat u said abt cricket... :P

    anyway i can feel some energy in u.... :D

    take care..

  3. @CB: Haha! Yeah! Thanks! I hope the enthusiasm stays for a while at least. :)
    I know! That driver sucked, didn't he? ~x(
    Chuck all that. So happy for you!!! :-*

  4. @Ninu: Umm. Erm. Okay. Thanks, I guess. :-/

  5. omg... hey preeti..i dint mean to b rude.. :D

  6. @Ninu: Haha! I know, girl! :) I was just kidding! :))

  7. We are going to win the Cup! Go Indiiaaa! Wow you got a new name! :) Why do you think this is not a good post? I like this post. Do Not Remove This Post. :D I'll complete my trilogy of cricket posts on Saturday on a jubilant note. :)

  8. Oh yes indeed we are going to win the world cup... and thank god i dont havet owatch the match on indian channel else i wud have been sick of the AD's myself

    Here I dont have any ad's coming other then when its drinks so phewwwwwwww :)

    all the bst to the Indian team and everyone ..
    let the games begin Cant wait for tomorrow to come now ..


  9. Preeks??? hahahahahaha! loved that.
    lol at the post. i looooove random posts ;) yrs later, they're such fun to read thru ;)

  10. @Ajay: We WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
    Write your trilogy now!

  11. @Bikram: We WON!!!!! :) :) :) :)

  12. @Scorpia: Thanks! I thought this name was cool! :D
    I hope this one I'll enjoy years later! :)

  13. Preeks :D You were right, looks like. Your office rocks. Can I join?

  14. Looks like your intuition turned true... LOL at the auto-rickshaw wallah!

  15. @ChindiChitranna: Yeah! Please join us! :D

  16. @ES: Yippee for my intuition! :D

  17. Bahut bakbak karthi ho...just like me:))

    You have something on my blog...I know that sound inviting;;)...

  18. great post!!! even if it was random! lol

  19. @Raksha: Thanks girl! :)
    Yeh baat toh hai. Bakbak toh hum karte hain! :D

  20. @Dew: :-o
    How did you know? ;;)

  21. @Herenownotforever: Welcome here! :D


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