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Under the Table and Dreaming..

Don't even ask. Where have I been, what have I been doing, why wasn't I blogging, why am I invisible? One word reply - B-School.

If I wanted to talk about that, I wouldn't be blogging which also explains my absence all this while. But here's what I want to talk about!

So, I came across Matt Haig's website and his lists excited me enough to actually open the Blogger dashboard and write. Here's my collection of lists:

Things I Love:
  • City Lights at night that twinkle when I wrinkle my eyes
  • John Mayer's songs on a loop
  • Sitting on a beach with feet sinking in the sand and crystals in the hair
  • Hot Pakodis and jalebi on a rainy day
  • Green fields rushing by in a blur on a highway drive
  • Hanging your head down from the Upper berth on the train to scare someone
  • Looking at class photographs from 20 years back and recognizing people
  • Lazy Sunday brunch at home
  • Gossiping with my sister at 1 in the night
  • The extremely rare moments when I feel I photographed well!
  • Compliments!
  • Meeting people who think like me
  • Listening to my Grandma's over-exagerrated stories of her childhood, my Mom's childhood AND my childhood - that's quite a collection!
  • Chocolates, especially of the dark and expensive type. :P
  • Denims that fit well
  • Chocolate sauce and bread sandwich for lunch
  • Checkered Shirts. (I should record this one in obsessions!)
  • Spending hours in a book shop and reading a book half way before someone stops you

Things I Worry About:
  • Blogger's Block! :(
  • That I'll stop learning someday
  • Not having a partner! :D
  • Turning old. Meh. :-|
  • Not being able to go on my world tour
  • 2012
  • Animal Farm seriously coming true someday?
  • Internet becoming regulated
  • Being far away from those I love
  • For the time being, my placements!
  • Hurting someone unknowingly

And that's about all I could think of in the 3 minutes, 40 seconds I took to write this post! It was a fun exercise, do try if you run out of things to write, like I did! :D

Hope to blog more soon!

Till then,

Keep rocking! :P

PS: The title is from a Dave Matthews Band album.


  1. Wonderful list. Had me agreeing to most of them. Hope you get to relax and take some time off to go all the things you love. Even if it is for a short while.

    Hang in there :)

  2. Awesome List!!! :)

  3. YEs you are right on the few things i worry about tooo ...
    Hope to see you blog more .. I jsut write what comes to mind .. sometimes good sometime not worth.. but keeps the blog ticking ..

    Take care adn all the best in doing all that you wish to do ...


  4. It's surprising how many on your list are on mine too:)

  5. Thanks Comfy! A couple of more months.. :)

  6. Thanks Akanksha! :)

  7. Thanks Bikram! Will definitely try to blog more! :)

  8. Really? Nice to know that! :)
    Welcome here! :)

  9. "The extremely rare moments when I feel I photographed well!" Oh god! I know that feeling so well!!!

    And as for denims that fit well, its become such a hopeless quest that I've more or less given up on it. And then, when it miraculously does happen, my joy knows no bounds. And also, I literally live in them till I wear them out!

    I know how you're feeling about the busy-ness. Hang in there....November isn't too far away.

  10. :D Awwwww! Atleast you know what makes you smiley and what makes you sad, what if you're forever confused? :D
    Surprisingly b school is where I started blogging and where I was the most frequent! :I says a lot abt me eh?
    Placements already? Summers? Chill, all does ultimately go well! All the best!

  11. theothersideoflifeFriday, September 09, 2011

    Hehe..Yeah, totally agree about the jeans! :D
    Yup. Hanging in there! Counting down days! :)

  12. theothersideoflifeFriday, September 09, 2011

    Oh Wow! Where have you been? I know what I was busy with, but what's with all my favorite bloggers? Where did everyone disappear? :-O
    I will also start blogging more frequently, once this summers shi* is over! :)
    Thanks for the wishes! :)

  13. That's an awesome list. :) 3 min 40 sec!! I could never do that. :D I am so slow and lethargic. :P

    B-School has just started and abhi se worrying about placements! You'll rock it I know. All the best. :) And yea keep writing and keep us posted. :)

  14. theothersideoflifeSunday, September 11, 2011

    Hehe. One of the things B-school taught - Time Management! :D
    Arrey we have summer placements. I wouldn't worry about them, left to my own. Unfortunately, we are never left to our own! :)

  15. Thing I Love - Seeing a new post from Preeks after a long break :) :)

    Pretty awesome list, and it comes as no surprise that a lot of the the things you mentioned, are there on my list as well.

    Since you've learnt the art of time management, do write more frequently! :)

  16. theothersideoflifeSunday, September 11, 2011

    Oh I wish, Aastha! :)

    I wish I knew time management! :)

  17. wonderful list preeks to read ur blog after looooong time..

  18. theothersideoflifeMonday, September 12, 2011

    Thanks Nidhi! :)

  19. //Upper berth on the train to scare someone// hahahaha :D
    awesome list :D

  20. If what I've heard about B-schools is true, then you'll have lots of time next year to keep blogging :D Good luck for your placements! :)

  21. theothersideoflifeFriday, September 16, 2011

    Thanks Raji! :)

  22. theothersideoflifeFriday, September 16, 2011

    Yeah I know! You can't imagine how desperately I am waiting for that phase! :D

  23. awww nice nice list.......atleast u can make out the difference nd list them seperately!!!!!
    keep writing:)


  25. Thanks! :)


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