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Ta Da!

And Yours Truly is back!

Quick recap of what's happening in my life: I got my summer placement in a good company and I am happy. Not just because I got placed, but also because, this means I am FREEEEEEEEEEE! After 4 months of torture, I am free!

Of course, I do have exams next week, but right now, lets term that "irrelevant". :)

So, hopefully, this means, I am back on the blog world for good. Fingers crossed.

Sigh. I have so much to say. Let me try to write this down, for the sake of posterior generations. You know the crazy kids who may want to join a B-School? Yeah? For them:

  • Normalcy. It is highly underrated. I am so glad my life is back to normal after 4 months of grueling hard work. It feels good to have a boring, relaxed Sunday, when I don't have to rush to college for a mock interview or a Preplacement talk. It feels nice to get up with a sore back, after sleeping for 20 hours straight. It feels nice to read Delhi Times and not Economic Times. It feels great to be able to dream and plan for the next few months of laziness. It feels awesome to be normal.
  • Fun. If there is any one thing that can sail you through tough times, it is this. Everybody gets a good job, everybody gets the MBA tag, everybody will learn how to gas their way through presentations, everybody will learn how to make up facts and complicated excel sheets. But not everybody knows how to have fun. Learn that, and you are set for your life.
  • Friends. After working for more than an year, the concept of close friends seemed kind of lost on me. I can happily announce that I found my way back. And I am very sure anybody who joins an MBA will. That's how the course is designed.
  • Finance. Sucks. No offense to anyone, but guess what? Finance sucks. I cannot, for the love of me, understand how the balance sheet is balanced or how the cash flows. As far as I am concerned, if there is money in the bank, it needs to be spent. Period.
  • Discovery. You will discover yourself, new people, new lifestyles, new habits, new dreams, new future and new everything. You may like some of it, some of it you may hate. But whatever you discover, will stay with you forever.

Don't worry. I have not lost my sense of humour! :)
I am on a different tangent today, and that is quite understandable if you know what I went through in the last four months. Sheer relief its all over.

I missed blogging. I think this time I am back for sure, with loads of B-School stories! Just pray that I pass my exams. :P

Here's wishing all of you a very happy and prosperous Diwali!

Signing out,


  1. Good to have you back :)

  2. The Other Side of LifeMonday, October 24, 2011

    Thanks! :) How you been doing?

  3. Been well. Given the drought on my Reader, maha bored at times :p

  4. Congratulations on the summer placement and welcome back to the world of living :)

  5. The Other Side of LifeTuesday, October 25, 2011

    I can imagine! :)

  6. The Other Side of LifeTuesday, October 25, 2011

    Thanks Comfy! :)

  7. Some of this sounds like my last post :-)

    But congratulations on your summers placement and all the best for your upcoming exams!

    And yes, b-school does change your life, doesn't it?

  8. A long-awaited post but finally here it is! Congrats and all the best for the exams. Write more later :)

  9. The Other Side of LifeTuesday, October 25, 2011

    Same boat! :)
    Thanks! Totally agree on the b-school bit! :)

  10. The Other Side of LifeTuesday, October 25, 2011

    Thanks Ajay! More coming up soon! :)

  11. Congratulations on the placement and good luck for your results :)
    Wish you a very Happy Diwali :)

  12. Oops I pressed publish comment w/o completing....loved those awesome tips

    I blog at:

  13. Finally u r back n back with a bang.... :)

    Congratulations for the summer placement and the underrated normal life...

    And yes I'am totally with you... Finance sucks big time......

    Keep writing... And all the best for your exams... :)

  14. The Other Side of LifeMonday, October 31, 2011

    Thanks! Happy Diwali to you too! :)

  15. The Other Side of LifeMonday, October 31, 2011

    Hehe. Hifi on finance hate! :D

    Thanks! :)
    Will write soon!

  16. Aah.. i love to hear B-School stories!! you are right.. we all learn everything but very few ppl learn how to have fun.. and Fun I had!
    I'll keep coming back to relive those days, which btw, didnt happen eons ago.. just around 4 years back :)

  17. The Other Side of LifeSunday, November 06, 2011

    Hi Nisha!

    Welcome here! :)
    Do keep coming! And also, do leave a link to your blog so I can read your stories! :)

  18. The Other Side of LifeMonday, November 07, 2011

    No no no! I am right here. Having exams. Will be done by 9th! :D

  19. A nice post! Best wishes for exams and beyond!


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