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Oh dear God!
*Imagine me kissing the floor, right now*
It feels SO good to be back. To lead an underrated normal life again! The past 4 months full of torture, placements, exams, guest lectures, pre-placement talks, sleepless nights, 15 hours sitting in one place, financial accounting nightmares, unbalanced balance sheets - its all over!
(Okay, to be fair, its all not over. I do have to battle with finance over the next sem too, and the next, and the next. Damn it. We'll deal with that later.)

More important things first.

If there is one thing I have learnt well in my time here in a B-School, that has to be the art of making a good resume. For the rest of the world, your resume is just a statement of who you are and what you do.
For MBAs, the resume is like the colloquial "Tijori ki Chaabi". For employers, its the key to the employee's mysterious past. For the prospective employees, its the key to a glorious future, which has no traces of the past.

Now, I don't want to sound very MBA-ish condescending, but really, resume making is no mean task. All you need is a good image of yourself, truthful pointers that make you look good and some achievements that truly reflect your prowess. Here's my resume for all the noobs out there. Watch and Learn.

Now, if you would have noticed:

  • I was truthful
  • I was frank with the "You should know that" section!
  • I've subtly put across my preferences, vis-a-vis an extra bonus payment for bhindi.
  • My achievements reflect my skills - perseverance, determination, survival instincts and blah!
  • My extra-curricular activities are in no way related to my academic life or for that matter, any other part of my life! :P
  • My Work Experience section shows that I have worked. I have worked on something important and confidential, which cannot be revealed. But, I have worked. And that's the bottom line. Its a cue for the interviewer. *Hint*

There. That's how you do it. Got it?
Now go make polish your resume, will you?

Have fun, because I am! :)


  1. Awesome resume :) Your weakness for Bhindi :D If there's one thing I dread more than making my resume, it's the prospect of wearing formals for GD and interview and the doomsday is nearing fast! Somebody save me. :D

    Don't fret over the remaining semesters abhi se and enjoy the break :)

  2. LOL i love your resume! haha i also love lady fingers. and i am scared of dogs!

  3. Aaree waah! What resume. I will remember this the next time I need to worry about one. errr or maybe not :P

  4. 1. I didn't know blogger can look good too..
    2. Extremely funny and witty cc vitae
    3. I too love ladies finger or is it just lady finger wats the plural, is it sounding cheezy? never mind..

    delhi darshn for each set of relative.. u have to have a lot of patience.. but its not mentioned in cc vitae hidden strengths?

  5. The Other Side of LifeFriday, November 11, 2011

    Thanks! :)
    Do not worry about GDs and interviews. I'll put up my post on that pretty soon! :P

  6. The Other Side of LifeFriday, November 11, 2011

    Thanks Eva! :)

  7. The Other Side of LifeFriday, November 11, 2011

    You know better! :)

  8. The Other Side of LifeFriday, November 11, 2011

    1. Welcome here! :)
    2. What? Bloggers can't look good? Hmm. Unfair, I say! :D
    3. Ladyfinger I think. Lemme check.
    4. Waah! You got the exact drift I wanted my resume to have. You got the patience part! Yay! :D

  9. hey, where are you doing MBA from?

  10. Haha.. All the best gal. You rock. So then why shouldn't your resume? ;)

  11. The Other Side of LifeSaturday, November 12, 2011

    Irrelevant, don't you think?! :P

  12. The Other Side of LifeSaturday, November 12, 2011

    Haha! Thanks! :)

  13. Loved it :)
    Too good and I can the thought and hard work you did in putting it all together. Had you sent me that resume I would have hired you straight away w/o interview ;)

  14. haha..yeah now I need to do a Prakash Raj act from Tagore movie..where he does a lot of research to find out where Chiranjeevi's students are coming from to form the ACF! :P

  15. Awesome Preeti.... This is the best CV I have ever read.... And we soo share our love for bhindi.... With a resume like this any organisation will hire you... Wait let me forward it in my organisation.... :D

  16. The Other Side of LifeSunday, November 13, 2011

    Thanks! :)
    Really? You would have hired me?! So sweet of you! :)

  17. The Other Side of LifeSunday, November 13, 2011

    Haha! Yes please. I want to see how recruiters would react to this resume! :D

  18. Great resume.. sounds like my Real life CV :) he he he he

    have funnnnnnnn :)


  19. Hahaha! I love you for capturing the madness of b-school life so perfectly, and with such humour.

    And oh the dreaded CV, the bane of b-school life. I remember I have more that one post on my blog cribbing about having to make my CV during the IIMB days

  20. :D super loved ur post! all the best girl with the job hunt i m sure u will be hired just coz u have awesome sense of humour and zest for life :)

  21. The Other Side of LifeSaturday, November 19, 2011

    Hehe! I like that! :D

  22. The Other Side of LifeSaturday, November 19, 2011

    Lol! Yeah. CV is an integral part of B-School culture, if you ask me, it gets more importance than the actual MBA. Don't you think?

  23. The Other Side of LifeSaturday, November 19, 2011

    Thanks Vinitha! :)

  24. Wow! That's really an awesome post on Curriculum Vitae :P Just loved the way you've added humor to it :)

  25. Wish CVs really were like this ^_^
    right now my CV looks like a Gadget manual @_@


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