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The Summer Paradox

You start your day at 9 am. Quick breakfast, bath and then onto your busy schedule. Dark room with curtains drawn, cooler whirring at high speed. You are sprawled on the ground, tongue sticking out, coloring your imagination, trying to stay within the lines.
One hour goes by and it seems like you are wasting some precious time doing this. You push aside everything and curl up to start reading a book. Mom serves you lemonade. Uff. Distractions! Famous Five had just found a secret cave and now you have to finish off  the lemonade before you can carry your adventure. You delve back into the book.
And just when Enid Blyton starts describing a lunch made of ginger bread and chocolate eclairs, Mom makes a home-made pizza! Its no coincidence that lunch is ready at the same time as Adventures of Tintin on Cartoon Network. And of course, the Little Lulu Show.
Super-busy working lunch this was.  
Time for post-lunch activities. Too much stress - you take a two hour "power nap".
4:00 pm - The day is coming to its high point climax. You get served a nice customized spicy chaat. Time to go out and play! Its no game, this I tell you. Bunch of kids, decision on what to play, forming the teams, cheating, accusing others, walking out in a huff - High intensity management practices.
7 pm - You take a quick bath and take stock of the day. Its been busy, but good.

Summer vacations. Those were the days!
Dear Two and a Half readers, did I depress you sufficiently enough on a Monday morning, while you perch in front of your laptop, looking at your mailbox and pending items list? I hope so!

Have a *great* working week ahead! :)

And don't worry. Those kids who are enjoying their vacations today will be in your place 15 years from now! :D

Signing out,


  1. Sigh! I had no Cartoon Network though, it was some summer special programmes on DD. Super-sigh! :)

  2. Ahhh - summer vacations! what wont i do to re-live them. I think the govt should make it illegal to work in the months of May/June

  3. cute post :) I remember following the schedule you mentioned when I was a kid..only difference is I watched Spiderman :)

  4. Akanksha DurejaTuesday, May 15, 2012

    No matter how much I distract myself, some one or the other reminds me what I cannot have.

  5. Hmm. That's an idea! Shift summer internships to October-November! :D
    College bhi miss and summer vacations pangs bhi gone! :D

  6. ahhhh those were the days .... nostalgic post :D

  7. Those were the days! You made me nostalgic. I would spend all afternoon filling my scrapbook with newspaper cuttings of pics of cricketers, interesting cricket stats and articles. I just could not sleep in the daytime those days! :) Wish I could go back :(

  8. Damn it woman! Now you make me feel all nostalgic for summer holidays, and hate my life/job/summer even more. Boo hoo! :(

  9. The Other Side of LifeFriday, May 25, 2012

    :) Sigh!

  10. The Other Side of LifeFriday, May 25, 2012

    Thanks for adding on to the list! :)
    I wish I could go back too!

  11. The Other Side of LifeFriday, May 25, 2012

    My internship ends in a week and I would be back to summer vacations for a month! :D
    Feel Better? ;)

  12. lol..... Preeets you so funny... :)
    Hope you hv a great vacation... I remember I wrote something around Enid Blyton... on picnics. Ditto. thots..

  13. How did i miss this , I dont beleive this ..

    and no i am not depressed because I make sure I have my summer holidays and I might be going ot cyprus yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :) i said might be :)

  14. Its fun having summer holidays :)
    Cheers, I am having right now :D

  15. theothersideoflifeTuesday, June 12, 2012

    Thanks Dew! Will look for ur post too! :)

  16. theothersideoflifeTuesday, June 12, 2012

    Oh wow! Cyprus! Wow! Have fun! I hope you go! :D

  17. theothersideoflifeTuesday, June 12, 2012

    Awesome! Me too! :D

  18. Ah! Those were the days! Nostalgia is priceless :)


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