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O+ve for Life

*Mush post alert*
See. The thing is this. We are all filled with cynicism. And why not? Bad roads, bad weather, bad politicians, bad news anchors, bad job, bad salary, bad boss, bad, bad, bad. Its easy to be cynical.
But you know, it could have been a lot worse. Why? Oh well. So much more could have gone wrong, right? We owe the normalcy in our life to many more unknown hands, than we are willing to admit!
So I decided to start my new year on a thank you note. A thank you to a few of these unknown faces, who make my life comfortable, despite all the cynicism. Hope the good-will reaches, to at least some of them! :)

#1 On My List
Already posted this on Indigo's Facebook page.
I have a message for the crew of 6E-174 (Flying from Mumbai to Delhi). Would be great if this could be passed on to them. On the last day of the year, a cancelled flight is bound to make people angry. But your warmth and sincerity made the journey so comfortable. At the end of the flight, you guys stood there in the cold, smiled and thanked us for traveling with you. Not one of us smiled back and thanked you for making sure we reach home and spend the New Year ’s Eve with our loved ones. Let me do this in your style then.“On behalf of the passengers of 6E-174, we wish to thank you for flying us today. Hope you also reached home in time to be with your near and dear people. And hope you have an awesome year ahead!”
And as a side note, may I add. The ground staff!! Shit. I never ever thought about how difficult their job was. Strong winds, loud noises. But there they are, stable, gesturing to the pilots, making sure the stairway is there on time. Given the amount of traveling I did this year, I should be thankful to them, for making sure I am safe! :)

#2 On My List
My dear Autowalas,
I don't have a car. I don't have a scooter. I have a cycle but its too ambitious to assume I maintain it well enough to go out anywhere on it. The local is too crowded and far too different from the Delhi Metro to make me a regular user. But you guys, you guys are my saviors. Yes, I have cursed you several times for refusing to travel to my destination, but really, where would I be without you? Ensuring I reach malls in time for the discount, ensuring I reach office in time, ensuring I don't have to walk in the rain. I don't think I have thanked you enough. So, thank you.

And also, sorry for cursing you in my mind. Trust me, I do it more often than my sweet looks give away! :D

#3 On My List
To The Security Guards,

If I have one dull day at work, when I don't get to chatter enough or do something interesting or the net isn't working and I can't read random blogs, my day goes down the drain. I sulk. And I feel like *shudder* using the staircase, just so I get some activity.
But you, my friends, sit there day in and day out, without any source of entertainment. Just sitting there. All day. To make sure our houses are safe. I don't think I have ever thanked you whole-heartedly, for receiving so many of my Flipkart packages. I don't know how you stay up all night, without a laptop on your chest and watching episodes of Suits or Seinfeld. I don't know any other way you can stay up all night.
And then greet me with a smile in the morning, even when I am sulking to go do, my far more entertaining job.
So, thank you! :)

#4 On My List
I am very lucky that my job gets me in touch with farmers. And over the last year, I have realized how much we owe them. My feelings best captured by this beautiful commercial launched by Dodge last Superbowl:

Every time I visit a farmer, it occurs to me, that we owe them, for all the lovely pastas we eat, the paneer tikkas and the Biryanis. We owe them for the amount of effort they put in in tilling the soil, and caring for their crops. Like I said, I don't think I can say it better than this Ad..
So, thank you! :)

There are so many more, that I can never do justice to the spirit of this post. So let me issue a generalized Thank you. :)

And while in the spirit of New Year, I have to leave you with this superb anthem of optimism which Coca Cola has gifted us:

On that note, have a great, awesome, amazing new year, with loads of surprises, good news, bonus, promotions, new purchases, lots of discounts, good weather, unlimited internet, good movies (preferably animated ones), good blogs and loads of free time! :)

Happy New Year, folks!


  1. A touching post!! Lovely vibes of optimism. Poor security guards right!!Next time am gonna salute them. There might be one way of giving thanks..We can suggest senior managers to give corporate SIM cards with free internet connection to them as added security feature! ;) I especially heart the thank you to farmers who give us our food..Working with farmers??Simply sounds great!! My sincere prayers "Let every kindred soul be blessed with an amazing new year, with loads of surprises, good news, bonus, promotions, new purchases, lots of discounts, good weather, unlimited internet, good movies (preferably animated ones), good blogs and loads of free time! :)" I have booked tickets this weekend for 'The desolation of Smaug' and life seems right this moment!! Wishing you a great yr ahead

    1. Thanks! :)
      Lol @ Internet connection! I would be watching some show if I got that! :D
      Good choice with Desolation of Smaug. Be assured, your year will be great! :)

  2. Have not read the post, confession.. hopped in here to wish u a merry year ahead.. and more posts and more comments and more interactions and lots more :) <3

    1. Thanks for dropping by! Always feels great to meet new people on the blog world. Cheers to more interactions! :)
      Happy new year! :)

    Preeks, do the blogathon ya, I need more company and motivation :D
    I like happy beginnings, and thank you notes, and senti posts like this especially when they come from people who are usually, erm, funny? ;) Good you gave a mush disclaimer.
    I cant see the videos you posted, but assuming the Coke wala is 'Ummeedon wali dhoop' LOVE it! :)

    1. Yep..That was Ummedo Waali Dhoop! :)
      Its my new ringtone. Pushing it too far, no? :D
      And happy new year to you guys too! Very excited about your Blogathon! :D

  4. oooooooooooooooh the little letters!!!
    and the unlimited internet part :D
    Happy new year to u too

  5. How sweet of you to take this moment to say your thanks. :) I loved the piece on farmers too. I too have great respect for them.

    What you wished for everyone is al we want, but for the sake of people like me, can you also add unlimited energy? :)

    Btw, I drop by your blog from time to time to make sure WordPress reader is not messing up and I am getting all the post updates. That's exactly what happened this time. WP didn't bother to tell me about your new post? How dare they, right? :)

    1. I know! :( :(
      So fed up of my Rss feeds..Dont know what to do about it! Tried everything. :(
      And yes, unlimited energy is important! Especially given how much you working Moms do! :D


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