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Progressive Regressive Advertising

The problem with taking strong stands is that at times, you end up taking a stand for the sake of taking it, and hence, end up weakening your cause. The case in point being the new Airtel Ad. Have you seen it?

Is it regressive? Is it progressive? Should she be shown cooking? Should she be the boss? Meh.

My opinion is this. Its neither progressive, not regressive. Its a just a little bit stupid. Again, this is my opinion. Please allow me to explain. In my limited experience, this is how the work-life balance equation pans out:

In other words, what I am saying is this:

Case 1: Low Proximity to Boss

  • When you and your boss limit your interactions to mails that start with FYI and end with "Regards"
  • When you have to set up a calendar invite to see his face once a week
  • When you present something to the outside world and he asks you questions there, like he has uncovered your awesomeness there and then
Verdict: Your work-life balance is as safe as it could possibly be. Take extended weekends and AWOLs just for the kicks and bet on whether your boss even noticed your absence. Professionally, you are screwed. But your work-life balance is balanced to the tip.

Case 2: Medium Proximity to Boss
  • When you spend 60% of your time in your boss' presence
  • When after every dressing down you get, he asks how your family is doing and if everything is alright at home
  • When he large-heartedly gives you an off for your anniversary, but calls you mid-way your candle-light dinner for an "emergency work requirement"
Verdict: You need to be worried. He knows your moves and he is on to you. Your work-life balance is not in balance. Its work-work-work-li-work-work-fe.

Case 3: High Proximity to Boss
  • When someone close to you is your boss
  • When you crack jokes together on everyone around
  • When you make weekend plans together
Verdict: Sit back and watch your boss blossom out the meaning of work-life balance for you.

Anyway, my point was this. If your own wife is your boss, you are not just in Case 3, you are on the top of Case 3. It means, that your superior is looking out for you as much as you would. It means, that you have the whole world on your side. I mean, come on. This ad could have played out in such a different way than what they showed and still made Airtel the champion.

Let me try and do it for them.


Scene 1:

There. Sweet. Simple. Progressive. Regressive. True. Fun.

What say?



  1. fun fun! :D

  2. You lady, are such a genius that I have no words to describe your genius-ness.

  3. he he he he :) nice one .. made me smile


  4. Brillaint sense of humor.. not to take away from your keen sense of analysis and structured thought process.. only thing missing was a 2x2 matrix..

    1. Thanks Sherlock! :P
      I'll add a 2x2 in my next post!


  6. This is absolutely hilarious. And to be honest, completely makes sense. I came here via a share on Red's blog page, and I'm going to keep visiting for sure. This is an analysis that finally makes sense.

    1. Thanks! Glad you agree with my logic! :D
      Welcome here! :)

  7. OMG I think I just literally ROFLed for the first time! I LOVE your version, absolutely! Mine was more of Dude lots of work, let's order pizza on company expense yay romantic dinner date. I never got why people were pissed though, except for the HR policy questions which is fair!

    ROFLing. Still.

    1. :D
      I swear, I just don't get the outrage part! Some feminists felt she shouldn't be shown cooking. Isn't that taking it too far?! Outrage for the sake of outrage!

  8. I am obviously in the Case 1 scenario considering that my boss is not even interested in a phone call from me :). But this Airtel ad as you say is extremely stupid coz no organization would allow husband and wife to even work in the same team leave alone have one be the other's boss!! Wish they would do their homework before they come up with this shit!! And I guess the other dude in the ad had to make do with "take out" dinner.

    1. My case is a new case altogether..Mixture of 1, 2 and 3! :D
      And yes, the ad has a great message, but a not so great execution!

  9. LOl. Seriously. How do you come up with ideas likes this? Hilarious. I would love to see your version play out on TV Preeks.. Really. Please, please, go make this ad now. :)

    1. Conducive work environment brings up this creativity in me, I guess. :P
      I so wish I could, Dil. Life long dream to become a marketer and now doing strategy instead. Unfairness.

  10. Thats a total different perspective of the ad :D
    awesome , came here via red handed and Loved this entry

  11. Another brilliant post from the one and only ingenious Preeks :) Airtel guys should do continuous improvement by hiring a valuable resource like you!! Simple and Progressive!

  12. Hahaha loved your version of the ad. I did not like their version and I completely agree with your analysis. :))

  13. hahah! this post literally cracked me up!! yes, this ad is basically a good sample of stupidity. The woman herself is confused- one moment she loads her beak-nosed husband with work and the next misses him like a desperate kitten. The graph is awesome just like you blog!


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