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New Year Vibes

I just realised that for the past 5 years, I have always written a post in the first week of the year.

How uncharacteristic of me to do that! 

And even more uncharacteristic of me to not continue the tradition! So here goes!

Happy new year to my two and a half readers.

2018, you were big in so many ways.

I finished my second masters.
I moved to a new country.
I moved to a new job.
I deleted Facebook.
I suddenly seemed to have more time on my hands. 
I read 20 books in the last six months. 
I traveled to 4 new countries in the last six months. 
I played SO much Catan in the last six months.

And more than all these changes, it's probably the mental changes that mattered to me. That I got out of my comfort zone, made friends, made a social circle, interacted with so many new people, stayed alone for a few months, made a new country my home, stayed a few time zones away from my family. So many barriers broken in my mind.

I feel stupidly proud of all this. It's probably not a big deal, but it just feels profound. 

So, well done 2018.

As for 2019, as always, I wish loads of happiness for everyone.

And for me, lots and lots of books, a new and never-before focus on fitness, traveling the hell out of south east Asia, learning a new art/craft every month, more piano, less cribbing, less Netflix, less digital, more physical, more discoveries, more great conversation and... more writing, perhaps?

Let's hope so.

Cheers and have a great year ahead!



  1. Yayyy! You are here! ALl the very best for 2019 - hope it is even better and awesomer than 2018 :)

  2. You are on a roll Preeti and congratulations for making every moment count in style :)

  3. 4 new countries in 6 months!! That sounds pretty exciting ! Wishing you a great 2019 though I am a tad late in wishing the same.


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