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Day 3: This is becoming a habit


Writing at 11:30 pm in the night. I have to find a better way to find time to write in the day.

Anyway. This is what I have to share today.

I was coming back home in the metro,
When I saw something that made me go whoa!
Amongst hundreds of people, cranky and tired,
Glued to their phones, their senses retired,
I noticed a strange man, an odd man out
Something was off, I had no doubt.

And then it suddenly occured to me.
This odd-man-out looked creepy
Because he sat with nothing in his hand,
No phone. No device. I didn't understand.

Why wasn't he checking Instagram?
Or Facebook? Or Twitter? Or Pinterest damn!
Why wasn't he getting notifications
Of a lover sending him flirtations?
Why wasn't he replying to urgent emails?
Was there nothing that needed his attention without fail?

Why wasn't a family group on WhatsApp buzzing?
With a random political video that needed discussing?
How come he didn't have to scroll
Down and down, till he had no control?

And noone had invited him to get shot
I mean, on Pubg, worry not.
How does he know if he has friends,
If noone tags him in pics and comments?
Does he remember anyone's birthday
Without Facebook's friendly reminder at play?

Does he not miss that urge to check,
Every red bell icon breathing down his neck?
What does he fall asleep to at night?
Don't tell me he just turns off the light.

As I sat and stared at him, dumbstruck,
I realised I had hit on a bit of lady luck.
In the fifteen minutes I had stared at him,
I hadn't looked at my phone, not even on a whim.
Maybe, just maybe, its not so hard,
To treat reality with a little more regard,
And ignore the unreal world on your phone
And just spend sometime with yourself, alone.

While you mull on this piece of advice,
I must go, for my phone has hummed twice.

Sorry and cheers


  1. A sensitive observation on humans and I can imagine this man, free from the clutter of technology and enjoying every single moment life has to offer. Profound and deep,

  2. Niice! One - I am amazed by all this poetic talent just gushing through (my kinda poetry, with rhyming words and a story!)
    Two - You are sticking to a post a day! Super proud. I am inspired!

    Thank you for the daily dose of entertainment :)

    1. Well, it's not a poem if it doesn't rhyme, is it? I don't get those abstract poems which don't rhyme.

      And yes, I am trying hard! :)
      Please join in and write! Let's kick the blog world back to life :D


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