The good news first! In my blogathon, which started a few days before A to Z, I complete one month today, i.e. 30 days of writing every single day. I feel stupidly proud of this. I will write more on this after the blogathon actually finishes. Till then, here's the Day 25 post of A to Z challenge: ************** Here's a list of dialogues I know for a fact, kids today will not understand: "Hang up the phone, I am trying to dial-up the internet." "The site's loading. Should be done in 30 minutes, I bet." "Damn, I clicked the party photos, but forgot the camera roll." "Only 23 pics per camera roll, please exercise control." "Shhh. Waiting for my favourite song on radio, so I can record it." "The cassette tape has come out again, shit." "Now press Record and Play together to record the song." "When you are recording, resist the urge to sing along." "Argh. My favourite so...
A Worm's Eye View..