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Day 31: Z for Zoo

If the order of nature was the other way round,
If animals were free and humans were bound,
I wonder what cages in the zoo we would be put in,
Where animals would point at us, stare and grin.

This cage here is the Corporatus Sapien species.
You can see how they are split into Boss and worker bees.
They are often seen huddling in rooms, pointing at a screen with images
If you listen carefully, you can hear jargon in their cages.

Let's move on. This cage is the Techno Sapien species.
They are always on the mobile phone and have "social" tendencies".
They are often seen moving their fingers on the screen in a continuous motion
Scientists believe their fingers are optimised for "scroll" locomotion.

Here what you see are the Videogamus Sapien species.
They live in alternate game worlds of their own fancies.
They are often seen shooting and shouting at the screen.
They look violent, but are mostly harmless, just too absorbed in the scene.

My favourite though is the Politicus Sapiens species.
They consider the rest of the species to be at their mercies.
In terms of IQ, they are not particularly high,
But other sapiens follow them, our social scientists wonder why.

Politicus Sapiens usually take leadership roles,
Some are good, but some are glorified trolls.
The sapiens are so advanced, they even hold elections,
So what if they have end up with biased selections!

That brings us to the end of our tour,
But do join in our special shows for sure.
The 9 pm news where we show you Sapien violence live,
And the Feeding section, where you get to serve food and watch them not eat, but do Instagram live.


  1. Congratulations on completing the AtoZChallenge 2019. I think my fingers are optimized for searching three rows of keys and often feel as though society has become an uncaged zoo.
    Z is for Zulu Warrior in Belgium?

  2. This must be my most loved poem..This reminds me the words of my Tamil teacher years back.."Man had killed enough animals of Earth that those animals have taken form of men. The trouble now is to identify which human being is which animal. We could identify an animal by a form. But understanding if a human-animal is a gazelle or a coyote is tough"


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