Reposting from my column on The Decision Lab, where I wrote earlier this month about my new resolution of cutting down jargon and how science supports this.
It’s the beginning of a new year and I have resolved to take things into my hands.
This year, I will seamlessly integrate goal-oriented physical exertion into my calendar, to synergistically build it up as a core competency.
That’s not all.
I have also decided to proactively cultivate my bibliophilic propensities by incorporating stretch reading goals.
In my excitement, I also mentioned to my partner that we could collaboratively re-conceptualize our domestic chore allocation and substantially increase our efficiency by leveraging on our mutual vision of an egalitarian household. Would you believe it, he brushed me off! To that, I say, he is not being customer-centric!
Why am I talking like that, you ask? That’s a resolution as well. To speak the way corporations and brands talk: in jargon.
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In today's world, many feel they would be better appreciated if they spoke jargon. I went back to the regularity of shaking my head trying to process your jargon. You relieved me quickly, and I was lucky to shift to your column. I'd vote for understanding any day than fluency!