Remember the early days of summer when I had written a whole post on why I love summers ? We felt a sudden nip in the air yesterday and in a display of uncharacteristic maturity and balance, I decided to share with you why I am looking forward to winter too . The reason being, every season brings with it some schmaltz and it is only fair, that we enjoy all of them! So, here's to some nice, chilling winters? Where we can look forward to: Winter-wear, here we come! Yoohoo! I just love winter-wear. Long-coats, sweaters, mufflers, sweatshirts. All of it. When we were in school, the excitement was a different level altogether. The morning assembly would distinctly smell of the crispy, white new shirts and grey woolen wear. There was also the comforting odour of naphthalene from the blue blazers and sweaters. Sigh. I miss school. Cuddling in the Razai in the sun, on weekend afternoons to read books or watch Greys? Priceless. Add to that a hot water bottle, lodged between the two fee...
A Worm's Eye View..