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Believe me when I say this, I did a lot of research before writing this post. I went through each one of your blogs to understand the nomenclature. By general consensus, the nomenclature seemed to be a mutual and exclusive subset of:

Set = {Dude, P, Partner, Murali, Hero, AB, He}

I then systematically went about exploring options and wrote down pros and cons. Like for instance:

  • Since there can be only 1 Dude, we have to strike that off - Dude
  • P is unrelated. *I* could be called P, though. So P.
  • Partner. Interesting. But I might have to cut that out on account of the fact that it reminds me too much of office jargon. So Partner.
  • The Man. Too stereotypical. Man.
  • M or eM. Hmm. Has a nice ring to it. But, I don't know. eM sounds a bit doubtful. Like umm? So M or eM.
  • The Boy. I like this. But on second thoughts, why give him the advantage of always sounding young? Nope. The Boy.
And so, after analysing many more such names, I finally singled out a name. 

*Drum Roll*

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please allow me to introduce to you the latest character in the drama of my life - SHERLOCK.

Yes, that's right! Yours Truly has gotten besotted by someone. And hold your breath, will actually get married to this character this year. Oh God, I feel so old saying that. (Now you know why we rejected The Boy).

So anyway, that's the news I wanted to share with you guys. 

Why call him Sherlock? Because he introduced me to the show and much before the world fell in love with the real Sherlock, he had already decided he wanted to be like Sherlock. I hate giving him  credit, but frankly, he is the closest you can get to Sherlock's intelligence, atleast in my circle. I mean, he can actually do some pretty cool deduction stuff. Like, there was this once when I lost a ring in college and while the rest of us idiots were searching all over, he walked right to the ring and picked it up, like he had kept it there. He explained his logic of how the ring could only have fallen there because of the hand movement and laws of physics and blah. He became my Sherlock, almost instantly. 

Sherlock needs to be given credit for a lot of things, really. I mean, till before I met him, I took solace in the fact that I was a nice, ideal little girl, who will wear a Georgette sari and meet my prospective husband, as and when my parents introduced me to him. I thought we'll talk on the phone for 6 months and then we'll get married. 

But this dude came like a whirlwind and changed my whole vision. Just Like that. I fell in love, I told my parents I want to marry this guy and instead of me meeting my to-be-husbaaand for the first time, they met the to-be-son-in-law or rather, to-be-son, for the first time.

Like Sherlock, he is tall. Quite good looking. Most definitely mature (That would come naturally, when you compare with me). And intelligent. Smiles a lot. And makes me look like an idiot for judging others.

But you know how it is, right? What fun is hot Jalebi without cold Rabri? Cake without chips? Pizza without coke? And most importantly, because this is my favorite food, French Fries without Ketchup?

So that's what he is. He is the ketchup to my french fries. Completes the picture. I get married this year and I am shit scared. But I know this, that my Sherlock will make sure I am ok. He will definitely give me loads of good seasons and good times to look forward to. And he will most definitely be worth the wait. 


On that note,
Blog, meet Sherlock! :)


  1. Sounds like a pretty cool character.. but does he really exist or are u trying to create some positive aura around the bad third season of Sherlock?

  2. I call my boy the Boy... it just happened randomly because he is naturally one! You know, refusing to be a man!
    Anyway .. have an awesome courtship. And dont be scared. If you understand each other.. marriage is awesome :)

  3. Aww.. Congratulations to you both. Dont worry, you will have so much fun planning your wedding and all. :) Special wishes from Abhi and Achu. :)

    1. Thanks DOTR! And hugs to Abhi and Achu! :)


  4. AWESOME!!! Have an amazing courtship and a supremely amazing married life!!!!!

  5. awesome news! ~tight hug~ congratulations
    welcome mr. sherlock to this blog fanfare
    we hope to hear a lot about you here on :)

    1. Thanks S! :)
      I am sure I can write a whole book about Sherlock! :D

  6. Congratulations Preeti! Have a wonderful life ahead. And I can't but feel a twinge of envy. To know what I've been going through, check out my new post.
    Wish you much happiness :)

  7. Congratulations Preeti :) Wedding is fun as well as draining.

    1. Thanks! :)
      I know..Cant say I am very excited about the wedding as such!

  8. That's great news! Congratulations :) You didn't say anything about Sherlock's humor. I'm a fan of his humor :) Love the new look of your blog. Is it Sherlock's effect? :D

    1. Thanks! :)
      My Sherlock's humour is good too! *He might kill me if I don't say that*
      The blog is entirely my territory! Sherlock has no say here! :D

  9. Oh wow! Congratulations ! I have to say, I am not so surprised ;)
    Welcome to Sherlock, and I me likes the name. Yay! Now for some more fodder for the blog! :D
    By the way, the post did show up on the reader :D

    1. Thanks! :)
      Showed up on Reader? Didn't show up on Feedly. I hate Blogger!

  10. congratulations!! Knowing you from this blog(and from the Godzilla's many tales of praise - he is your ardent fan), Sherlock is lucky!


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