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De-Jargonize, People. De-Jargonize.

Dear Readers,

I assume you are in good spirits. I also assume that with the current election season, you have been competently benchmarking all the action from political parties 24/7, ably supported, of course, by our seemlessly coordinated media and high decibel Television channels. Needless to say, I also assume you are documenting all your learnings. We may brainstorm on the same, any time you wish, as per your convenience.

I also wish to inform you that my Maid has done an AWOL on me. Looking back, I think the reason for that was obvious. My insistence on EATCFD (Efficient Administration through Customer Focused Delivery) seems to have not been in accordance to her values. But, frankly, it beats me why she was not on board with this. I was only trying to systematically improve her revenue generation mechanism through improved Customer Centricity. Beats me.

By the way, I have been constantly working out a plan to enhance my absorption rate of TV Series, with a well coordinated, 2x2 matrix, which give a clear understanding of which TV Show to download when, appropriate timing for watching it and best way to steer clear of unintended spoilers on Social Media. The results have been encouraging. Please let me know if you wish to have access to the same. I will talk to Administration and make the necessary arrangements.

I have been struggling with an important concern area for the last 10 months, since I started living alone. While I am empowered to make certain decisions, such as deciding what to cook, my lack of professional expertise in the field has been challenging me. I have, of course, endeared through this challenge and arrived at a compelling alternative, by actively cooking Bhindi and Aloo on alternate days. This fosters happiness in me (these being 2 veggies that I absolutely love) and simultaneously, provides timely synergies between my stomach and the fridge.

Apologies for not enquiring about this earlier, but how have you been dealing with the crisis of summer? I do hope you have been actively employing indigenous, best-of-breed, cooling mechanisms which are cost-effective and provide customer comfort. 

This is the weekly update from my end. PFA 2 Dilbert cartoons, which I though were relevant. Please revert back for clarifications.

Best regards,

Encl: Dilbert Cartoons.

PS: In case you are wondering why on earth, I do have a very valid explanation. Today, I received a mail from my admin team and this is what the mail said:

“Enhancing Stakeholders experience through warmth & passion for excellence & to exceed stakeholders expectations with focus on quality, empathy and fairness” has been the mantra of the Admin team. 

I was so blown away by the mail and the revelation, that I decided to alter the way I interact with the world. Clearly, jargon is in.


  1. bhindi is my favourite vegetable and alloo is well , you can add it to anything and everything :)

    and that emaillll swishhhhhhhhhhhhh went over my head , no idea :)


  2. Bhindi and alloo would be the two vegetables which have a substantial positive impact on my tastebuds as well, though I tend to oscillate towards Kundru (dondli, tendli) as an alternative as well.

    I think the manner in which you articulated the current situation deserves applause and considerable lauding and nothing short of what is probably expected out of you, you being someone who has been facilitated with a masters degree in Business Administration from a prestigious school.

    I wish you all the best.

    Now I am hungry and want to go home, but close, Waaaaah!

    1. Oh I like Dondli too! :D
      Thank you for your kind consideration and understanding my predicament. Co-MBAs are like life support systems. :)

  3. I think there are two kinds of people in this world. One who like Bhindi, and ones who like Gobhi.

    You like Bhindi! I thought you would be Gobhi-wali like me :D

    Coming back to the topic at hand - Jargons are ANNOYING. One thing I learnt in MBA was how to complicate the simple things. Really. The smarter ones then go on to simplify the things they complicated, trying to act intellectual. We are better without the Jargons. There is also a lot of cool lingo going around, political way of saying mean things. Like how they would say "Let's park that thought, and move ahead" or the now proverbial "we will get back to you."

    1. Hmm. For once, I disagree with you! I love Bhindi and Gobi! :D
      And Lol@Park the thought. So very true. Now I am re-evaluating a lot of conversations I have had in meetings with senior people. I think I was put off, quite smartly by them! :D

  4. Lol on the mantra. I see just the same here except for its technical things. :)

    What an idea? Bhindi and Aloo on alternate days? Amazing. :)

    1. Everyone loves bhindi and aloo! :D
      This is quite awesome!

  5. That's too much jargon to handle :P lol@the email you received.
    I love bhindi and aloo too. But eating them on alternate days would bore me. I want variety :)
    I love Dilbert.

    1. Not that I am reading it again, I do feel I put in too much jargon. What has MBA done to me! :D

  6. Rofl....EATCFD!! great post

  7. I love bhindi and aloo..and I like how you and your fridge are coordinating through this challenge!
    And you need to impress to deserve a maid. Step it up!!! Your services should not be in contradiction to her values!!

    P.S- I did not even bother reading the Mantra because of their big dangerous words! :P

    1. My maid left. She quit, so now I am doing all the customer centricity myself. So much enthusing employees! :(

  8. Wah!!! What a jargon filled post!!! Has post hiring of a better customer centric human resource been performed for sustainable domestic environment and repose from the war zone of home ? I have still not procured adequate resources like peace ,quiet and inspiration for cooking a satisfactory blog post... Your post gave enough food for thought..

    1. _/\_
      Wow! You are a natural at this! :D
      Write, Paati. Write! :D

  9. Hahaha.....brings my consulting days.

    I've been working in start-ups and non-profits for too long now, and have lost the touch for this jargon.

  10. Beautiful story, this. You should print this out and mail it to them.

    1. OK. this comment was for your latest post. I obviously don't know how to comment.


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